Ayodhya, the revered birthplace of Lord Ram, set two new Guinness World Records during its eighth annual Deepotsav celebration, marking a historic moment for the city. This year’s Deepotsav, celebrated on the banks of the Saryu River a day before Diwali, saw over 2.5 million diyas (oil lamps) lit simultaneously, creating the world’s largest display of earthen lamps, and featured 1,121 people performing a synchronized aarti (religious ritual) along the river, setting a second record.
Record-Breaking Diya Display and Aarti Ceremony
The Uttar Pradesh Tourism Department, in partnership with the Ayodhya district administration, orchestrated the massive diya lighting event, illuminating the Saryu River in a dazzling spectacle. Pravin Patel, the Guinness World Records adjudicator, confirmed that 2,512,585 diyas were lit, while over a thousand participants performed the aarti together, breaking the record for the most people engaged in diya rotation.
Addressing the crowd, Patel announced, “Congratulations to UP Tourism, Ayodhya District Administration, and all involved for achieving the largest display of oil lamps and most people performing diya rotations simultaneously!”
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Receives Guinness Certificates
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was presented with two Guinness World Records certificates for these achievements. Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak joined in the celebration, highlighting the significance of the Deepotsav for both Ayodhya and the country.
Vibrant Festivities Along the Saryu River
The grand Deepotsav celebrations featured a colorful array of events along the Saryu Ghat, including laser light shows, a sound and light retelling of the Ram Leela, and a mesmerizing drone display accompanied by fireworks. Thousands of diyas lit up the riverbank, symbolizing Ayodhya’s cultural and spiritual importance.
This year’s Deepotsav is the first since the installation of Ram Lala’s idol at the Ayodhya temple and included 18 tableaux depicting scenes from Lord Ram’s life. The five-day celebration commemorates Lord Ram’s return to Ayodhya after his 14-year exile and draws millions of devotees and tourists each year.
In a traditional gesture, CM Yogi led a chariot procession carrying actors dressed as Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman, symbolizing Lord Ram’s triumphant return to Ayodhya. Union Minister Shekhawat and Deputy Chief Ministers Pathak and Keshav Prasad Maurya were also present to mark this momentous occasion.
PM Modi Applauds Ayodhya’s Grand Deepotsav
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his admiration for the record-breaking Deepotsav on X (formerly Twitter), congratulating the people of Ayodhya. He wrote, “Incredible, unparalleled, and awe-inspiring! Congratulations to the people of Ayodhya for this divine Deepotsav! May Lord Shri Ram bless all with joy, prosperity, and success. Jai Shri Ram!”
This year’s Deepotsav celebrations in Ayodhya not only highlighted the city’s religious and cultural heritage but also showcased its global significance as millions of diyas illuminated the birthplace of Lord Ram.
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