In a devastating turn of events, eight District Reserve Guard (DRG) personnel and one driver lost their lives on Monday in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district after Naxalites detonated an improvised explosive device (IED). The attack, described as one of the deadliest in recent years, also left several others injured.
Details of the Attack
According to Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range) Sundarraj P, the incident occurred around 2:20 PM near Ambeli village under the Kutru police station limits. The DRG team was returning from an anti-Naxalite operation in a Scorpio vehicle when it was ambushed. Preliminary investigations suggest that the perpetrators used approximately 100 kilograms of explosives to execute the attack.
The blast’s magnitude highlights the meticulous planning involved, indicating the Naxalites’ desperation to retaliate against ongoing security operations in the region. Following the explosion, security forces launched a search operation to track down those responsible.
Chhattisgarh Government’s Response
Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao expressed profound grief over the loss of lives, condemning the attack as an act of cowardice. “I offer my condolences to the families of the brave jawans. Their sacrifice will not go in vain,” he said, reaffirming the government’s commitment to eradicating Naxalite insurgency.
Former Chief Minister and Assembly Speaker Raman Singh echoed similar sentiments, lauding the bravery of the fallen personnel. “Whenever significant operations are launched against them, Naxalites resort to such cowardly actions. This attack only strengthens our resolve to eliminate their presence,” he remarked.
A Recurring Threat
The Bijapur attack is a grim reminder of the persistent threat posed by Naxalism in the region. It follows a similar incident on April 26, 2023, when 10 police personnel and a civilian driver were killed in an IED attack in the neighbouring Dantewada district. Despite sustained efforts by state and central authorities to combat Naxalite activities, such incidents underscore the challenges of maintaining security in these remote areas.
Way Forward
As the nation mourns the loss of these brave individuals, the Chhattisgarh government has assured swift action to bring the perpetrators to justice. Enhanced intelligence gathering, advanced training for security forces, and community engagement are critical to countering the Naxalite menace effectively.
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