Privacy Policy

We are grateful that you have chosen This privacy policy applies to the information we collect when you use our services and visit By using our website and/or services, you indicate that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy statement.

Data That We Gather
We get information from you whether you use our website, place a purchase, subscribe to our newsletter, fill out a survey, or communicate with us in any other way. We may collect information about you, such as your name, phone number, mailing address, email address, and other details.

Information Utilization
The data we gather from you could be used by us to:

  • Tailor your experience and take care of your individual needs.
  • Adjust our website and services based on your feedback.
  • finalize purchases and provide customer service.
  • Email you on a regular basis with details on your order and other products and services.
  • Organize tournaments, promotions, surveys, and other site-related events.
    Respect the law.
  • We use several security measures to protect your personal information whenever you make a purchase, enter, submit, or access it.

We use cookies to track advertisements, understand and save your preferences for future visits, and compile aggregate information about site traffic and activity so that we can give you better tools and experiences on the site in the future.

Outsider Disclosure
We never exchange, sell, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to unaffiliated third parties without your consent. This does not include trustworthy third parties who assist us in operating our website, handling our business, or offering you services, as long as those parties guarantee the confidentiality of the information.

Links from Third Parties
At our sole discretion, we may from time to time offer or feature products or services from third parties on our website. These third-party websites have separate and independent privacy policies. Because of this, we absolve ourselves of any liability for the conduct and materials on any linked websites.

Modifications to the Privacy Statement
We have the right to modify this privacy statement at any time. Any changes made here will be effective as soon as they are published.
You accept our privacy policy by using our website and services.