In a daring robbery, 3 ATMs in Kerala were looted with 70 lakhs on Friday morning, leaving authorities scrambling to track down the unidentified gang responsible. The heist, which targeted three ATMs belonging to the State Bank of India (SBI), took place in the early hours of September 27. Police believe the gang operated with precision, bypassing security measures and looting a staggering sum of Rs 70 lakh from the machines located in Thrissur district.
Details of the Robbery: A Well-Planned Operation
The 3 ATMs in Kerala looted with 70 lakhs were located in different areas of Thrissur, and the heist appears to have been meticulously planned. The first target was the SBI ATM in Mapranam, where the gang reportedly stole around Rs 35 lakh. They then moved to Shornur Road in Thrissur city, looting another Rs 9.5 lakh from the second ATM. The final stop was the SBI ATM in Kolazhy, where the thieves managed to escape with Rs 25 lakh.
The entire operation was carried out between 2:00 am and 4:00 am, a time when the streets are largely deserted, allowing the robbers to work without interruption. According to police reports, the gang used a gas cutter to break open the ATM machines and destroy CCTV cameras, effectively eliminating any immediate evidence of their actions.
Police Response and Investigation
The 3 ATMs in Kerala looted with 70 lakhs incident came to light early Friday morning when the central control room monitoring the ATMs alerted local police to suspicious activity. Upon investigation, officers found the ATMs in Mapranam, Shornur Road, and Kolazhy severely damaged, with all the cash missing.
City Police Commissioner R Elango confirmed that the gang had taken down the CCTV cameras at all three locations before using gas cutters to access the ATM machines. “The incident happened between 2:00 am and 4:00 am. One ATM is within the rural police limit, and the other two are in the city police limit. The gang was highly organized and acted with speed and efficiency,” Elango told the media.
The police have already gathered some leads regarding the suspects and are broadening their investigation to include neighboring states, particularly Tamil Nadu. Given the professional nature of the crime, authorities believe the gang could have prior experience with ATM thefts.
Cross-Border Investigation
Since the 3 ATMs in Kerala were looted with 70 lakhs, police have launched an extensive investigation into the possibility that the gang may have come from or retreated to neighboring Tamil Nadu. Cross-border crimes involving ATMs are not uncommon, and the police are leaving no stone unturned in tracking the culprits. Teams have been deployed to examine possible connections with similar robberies in other states, and forensic experts have been called in to analyze the crime scenes.
Investigators are also analyzing any digital trails that might have been left behind despite the destruction of the CCTV cameras. They are hopeful that footage from surrounding areas, traffic cameras, or other surveillance systems may provide additional clues.
Growing Concerns Over ATM Security
This incident involving 3 ATMs in Kerala looted with 70 lakhs has raised fresh concerns about the security of ATM machines across the state. The use of advanced tools like gas cutters and the methodical destruction of CCTV cameras highlight vulnerabilities in the existing security protocols.
Although banks and law enforcement agencies have been stepping up security measures in recent years, this incident has exposed gaps that need urgent attention. Many ATMs, particularly those in rural or less-populated areas, still lack sufficient physical security and are vulnerable to well-planned attacks.
Authorities have urged banks to invest in more robust security systems, including real-time monitoring of surveillance footage and alarm systems that can detect unauthorized tampering with the machines. The incident has also renewed calls for stricter regulations to ensure that ATMs are equipped with advanced anti-theft technologies, such as GPS tracking of stolen cash cassettes.
Public Reaction and Impact
The news of 3 ATMs in Kerala looted with 70 lakhs has sent shockwaves through the local community, with many questioning how such a high-profile robbery could occur despite the presence of security systems. Residents and bank customers have expressed concerns over the safety of their money, especially in the face of increasingly sophisticated criminal activities.
Bank officials have assured the public that they are cooperating fully with law enforcement to apprehend the criminals and are reviewing their security protocols in light of the robbery. Customers of the affected ATMs are being reassured that their money is safe and that the banks will take steps to ensure such incidents do not happen again.
The 3 ATMs in Kerala looted with 70 lakhs heist is one of the most significant ATM thefts in recent memory, and it has left authorities racing against time to catch the perpetrators. While police have made headway in their investigation, the organized nature of the crime suggests that the gang responsible may have struck before and could strike again if not apprehended quickly.
This incident also underscores the need for improved ATM security measures across the country, particularly in vulnerable locations. As the investigation unfolds, both banks and law enforcement will be under pressure to enhance protections and restore public confidence in the safety of their financial transactions.
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